Monday, November 1, 2010

Welcome to the Moped Factory Blog

Thanks for checking out the MF blog. This is the official source for information about all the parts and projects of the Moped Factory. As our company grows in sophistication and range of products, we will be using this blog to provide up-to-date technical information about our range of products and how to best select and tune them to give you the most bang for your buck.

We put #1 priority on making sure that every single Moped Factory part sold is the best for the application and yields the most positive results. From something as simple as an exhaust bracket, to the more technically sophisticated products in development, we will do our best to make sure you get the most out of every part we make.

Thanks for checking us out, and happy pedding!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Graham,-

    You asked for info about the Alma Four's fuel tanks. I know the owner/builder and can ask him. Email me at ccc40821(at)


    Kim Scholer
